
A healthy woman makes a healthy family, let AMMAYUM KUNJUM staff help you and your child during the first 21 days. We perform the teachings of our Ayurveda (Acharya’s charka and susrutha). Good health is your and your child’s birth right and by good health we mean energy and vitality. We AMMAYUM KUNJUM team is dedicated to improve the body health, to prevent the aches and pains after delivery, to immunize the child through natural way. A woman is the core of every family and thus the society. Her wellbeing is very important for the betterment of every one.


Ammayum Kunjum|For Mother and Child from mother nature

Ammayum Kunjum|For Mother and Child from mother nature What food to consume after delivery?

You are eating for two, Woman transitioning from pregnancy to breast-feeding need to make important nutritional changes, Your diet not only determines which nutrients your small one gets, but your food choices can also affect your entire breastfeeding experience. For example, your diet actually impacts the amount, taste and quality of milk you produce the food that you consume after delivery plays a major role in your body health and the child’s mental and physical growth. Food consumption with proper guidance according to your body condition will be very helpful for the recovery of the strains and stress and is very help full for the generation of proper quantity and quality of the breast milk. We, Ammayum Kunjum team will help and guide you for the first 21 days all about your food needs, to improve your body health and to improve the breast milk quality and quantity

Ammayum Kunjum|For Mother and Child from mother nature How to improve the quantity and quality of your breast milk?

Since breast milk is the elixer for the child the qunatity and the quality matters. Breastfeeding is not easy. It can come with a wide range of challenges. Some of these can be overcome with a few tricks from friends, loved ones and health providers and some require more intervention.One of the biggest issues that breastfeeding families face is milk supply. Most breastfeeding parents wonder at some point if they are making enough milk and many wonder whether the milk they do make has enough of what their baby needs. We Ammayum Kunjum staff will guide you and serve you with proper diet chart and natural medications needed for the proper quantity and quality of breast milk.

Ammayum Kunjum|For Mother and Child from mother nature

Ammayum Kunjum|For Mother and Child from mother nature What to drink after delivery?

The liquid food plays a major role in the diet of a delivered lady.

Ammayum Kunjum|For Mother and Child from mother nature What type exercise to perform after delivery?

There are exercises that you possibly cannot engage right away after delivery. Your body is still raw, recovering from the stretching and pushing of child birth. The postnatal exercises are safe for both vaginal and caesarean childbirths. Since the body is going through a very strenuous and phenomenal process during the delivery, the total alignment of the body will change, to regain that alignments personalised exercises along with yoga possess is very helpful. Proper exercise will relieve the stress and strain in body and the mind, will prevent the aches and pain in the body. Ammayum Kunjum staff will help and guide to perform the suitable exercise needed for you.

Ammayum Kunjum|For Mother and Child from mother nature What type of music to listen after delivery?

The type of music you listen to depends largely on your personality and mood and what you are feeling at the moment. So it is not right to say that you should only listen to a particular type of music. Music has healing capabilities and a soothing effect on our emotions as it helps us de-stress, relax and changes our mood for better, proper and smoothening music will be very helpful for getting rid of the stress and strain one under going after delivery.

Ammayum Kunjum|For Mother and Child from mother nature How to breast feed your baby?

It's one of the most beautiful images nature could create. It's also one of the simplest. Breastfeeding is so natural, in fact, that we've been doing it for millions of years. (Indeed, without it, the human race wouldn't have survived.) Position the baby on her side so she is directly facing you, with her belly touching yours. Next, prop up the baby with a pillow, if necessary, and hold her up to your breast; don't lean over toward her. Place your thumb and fingers around your areola Ammayum Kunjum staff will guide and help you how to hold the baby in proper position for the better sucking of the breast. Improper intake of the milk may create chocking, gas accumulation and bad digestion. For some woman, the first few days or weeks of breastfeeding are a challenge. "Breastfeeding is natural, but it's a practiced skill, almost an art form."

Help to heal your wounds faster, If you had undergone for any surgical procedures during delivery, Ammayum Kunjum staff will guide you with proper Ayurveda medicine suitable for your body condition for the proper healing of the wounds.

Ammayum Kunjum|For Mother and Child from mother nature

Ammayum Kunjum|For Mother and Child from mother nature We help you to massage your body

During pregnancy the vata dosha (the wind) of the body increases enormously, in Ayurveda it says that pain in human body is because of the increased vata dosha (vaatam vina rujam na), according to Ayurveda, during the delivery the pain that experiencing is because of the increased vata. Reducing this vata after delivery is very important to get rid from the aches, we Ammayum Kunjum will help you to massage your body with suitable selected Ayurveda medicated oils according to your body condition.

Ammayum Kunjum|For Mother and Child from mother nature We suggest the best Ayurveda medicine based on your body condition

During delivery the saptha dhathus of the body undergo in derangement and that leads to stress and strain and aches in mother’s body, for restoring the health Ayurveda has personalised medications.

Ammayum Kunjum|For Mother and Child from mother nature We guide how to purify internal genital organs and maintain a good menstrual cycle

During pregnancy period the uterus and the internal and external genital organs will undergo for a serious of changes. Restoring the general structure and the function of those organs is important to maintain the hormonal functions, we Amayum Kunjum team will help you with certain specific medical Ayurveda preparation to regain the vigour.

Ammayum Kunjum|For Mother and Child from mother nature We help to do belly wrapping for 21 days?

Belly wrapping after delivery helps to strengthen and support the muscles more effectively. In addition to supporting the abdominal area, belly binding also provides support for your pelvic area. During childbirth, a woman’s body produces something called Relaxin, which helps her body physically become looser and more flexible in order to birth her baby. When binding postpartum, we take advantage of the Relaxin in the body by putting pressure on the hips and pelvis to go back to its pre pregnancy state more easily. This also helps to firm and support the areas that are still loose from pregnancy as the Relaxin reduces in the body. Lower back support - binding is also helpful in supporting the lower back. It is well known that the abdominal muscles have a direct relationship to the back muscles. When these lower back muscles are in poor condition, additional stress is applied to the spine as it supports the body and back injury or back pain is more likely. With the abdominal support, the back is supported as well. Having lower back support helps to reduce strain and improves posture. Emotional/Spiritual benefits – Binding helps the woman to regain her original shape and make her face the world with more confidence without worrying about her figure.

Ammayum Kunjum|For Mother and Child from mother nature We guide How to reduce your weight after delivery?

Weight gain after delivery is a major problem for most of the ladies,

Ammayum Kunjum|For Mother and Child from mother nature We guide you How to remove the marks of your tummy?

Ammayum Kunjum|For Mother and Child from mother nature We guide you How to cradle your child?

Ammayum Kunjum|For Mother and Child from mother nature We help you How to prepare cradle for the child?

Ammayum Kunjum|For Mother and Child from mother nature How the room should be?